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Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

One of the ultimate classic comfort foods Orange Pineapple Salad.  Or as we call it in our house, Orange Fluff.  It's classic for a reason because it's just plain good.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

As a food blogger, sometimes meals in our house are, well ... a little weird.  Because our meals often revolve around what I'm working on for the blog.

Which means depending on what I'm creating, we may eat virtually the same thing for days in a row ... Over and over and over again as I make little tweaks or test a recipe.

Or, we end up eating a kind of strange combination of things.  Because I've been working on different recipes for brands.  Or articles for a site to which I contribute.  Or, as is typically the case, all of these things at once.

Classic Orange Pineapple Salad made with orange gelatin is always a hit.  It's classic for a reason because it's just plain good.

And eating a strange combination of things is just exactly what happened the other day.  Let's just call it our orange meal.

Not orange flavored. orange colored.

Yes, I looked at our dinner table the other night and noticed everything on it was orange.  Or at least some color that closely approximated orange, anyway.

I had made a big bowl of  this Orange Pineapple Salad ... or Orange Fluff as we call it ... just to have around in the fridge.  It's one of my hubby's favorites, so I make it a lot.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

We had remnants of the fluff left in the fridge, so I pulled it out for dinner.

Then I pulled out a big pot of  Roasted Butternut Squash Chili.  My Mom created this tasty recipe, and I had made a big batch while working on creating another variation of it with meat.

Oh, did I mention? ... Cooked butternut squash's color  =  orange.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

Finally I pulled out a big platter of Buffalo wings, both baked and fried, because I'd just finished photographing a series on how to make Buffalo wings for a site to which I contribute.

Buffalo wings' color?  =  orange.

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

So as you can see, sometimes our meals are ... weird, to say the least.  A strange collection of random things like Orange Fluff, Butternut Squash Chili, and Buffalo wings.

And in this case, all of them happened to be - orange.  Pretty appropriate for the week of Halloween, don't you think?

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

As far as making Orange Fluff goes, it's super easy and requires just six simple ingredients.

Simply combine a container of Cool Whip and a container of sour cream, then stir in dry orange gelatin mix until well blended.  This forms the creamy orange base of the fluff salad.

Next, stir in mini marshmallows and then gently fold in crushed pineapple and mandarin oranges.

As far as making Orange Fluff goes, it's super easy and requires just six simple ingredients.

Refrigerate the mixture several hours or overnight to allow the flavors to meld and the marshmallows to soften.  The marshmallows will absorb moisture from the other ingredients and get all soft and squishy, giving the fluff a nice pillowy texture throughout.

It's a fluff flavor combination we all know and love!

So no matter what time of year it is, classic Orange Pineapple Salad made with orange gelatin is always a hit.  It's classic for a reason because it's just plain good.
Happy Halloween everybody! However you celebrate {or don't celebrate}, have fun and be safe!!

 One of the ultimate classic comfort foods  Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}
Thank you for stopping by . We'd love to have you back soon!

orange fluff salad, orange fluff salad recipe, orange Jello pineapple salad
Yield: 8-10 Servings

Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

Classic Orange Pineapple Salad, made with orange gelatin. Classic for a reason because it's just plain good!
prep time: 10 Mcook time: total time: 10 M


  • 1 (8 oz.) container Cool Whip
  • 1 (16 oz.) container sour cream
  • 1 (3 oz.) package orange gelatin
  • 3 c. mini marshmallows
  • 1 (20 oz.) can crushed pineapple, drained
  • 1 (15 oz.) can mandarin oranges, drained


How to cook Classic Orange Fluff {aka Orange Pineapple Salad}

  1. Combine Cool Whip and sour cream until smooth. Stir in dry gelatin mix until well blended. Stir in marshmallows; then gently fold in pineapple and mandarin oranges.
  2. Refrigerate several hours or overnight to allow flavors to meld and the marshmallows to soften.
Created using The Recipes Generator

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