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The Importance of Being Healthy

s Monday and I think you and I should have a little talk The Importance of Being Healthy

It’s Monday and I think you and I should have a little talk.
No food or recipes to share on this post, just a talk among friends.
“About what?” You may ask.
About being healthy.
Because it says right there on the blog’s header “ | Eat Well. Exercise more. Become A Healthier You”, hence we should talk about it, at least sometimes…

What does it mean to be healthy?
Health is a state of complete physical and mental well-being that is achieved through regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest.
Makes sense?
In other words, the “being healthy equation” is made up of three factors: exercise, food, and rest.


The human body is made to move.
Depending on which expert you ask, there are anywhere from 640 to 850 muscles attached to 206 bones in the human body. It’s estimated there there are about 360 joints, and then several hundred more ligaments and tendons to hold it all together.
It’s an engineering marvel with one purpose: make us move.
Modern lifestyle however, is all about sitting down: desk, table, couch, etc.
Physical inactivity can lead to stiffening of joints, decreased muscle strength, and lessen range of motion.
We are made to move and instead we stand still.
Even a little activity can have a huge impact. We don’t all need to run marathons or complete a triathlon. There are simple things we can all do to be more active each day.
Keep yourself active and try to carve out at least 30 minutes of “me time” daily.
Hit the gym, go for a run, a walk, a ride, whatever...


Food is fuel, necessary to function optimally.
Clean eating means feeding your body what it needs in the most natural way.
Simply put, it means choosing food that it’s good for you over food that it’s bad for you. Focusing on eating whole, natural and unprocessed foods, free of chemicals and other unwanted substances.
Eating well makes you feel good, because it boosts your energy levels and keeps your system running smoothly.


Give yourself permission to sleep. Embrace it, your body will thank you for that.
Lack of sleep causes less mental sharpness, decreased productivity, and a slower metabolism.
There’s also evidence showing that lack of sleep is associated with unhealthier patterns such as overeating, binge eating and cravings for unhealthy foods.

We tend to forget it, but our body is an amazing machine.
It performs thousands of different tasks at the same time continuously.
It can take us anywhere.
We must take care of it, as much as we can.
Always appreciate your body and start to think it in a positive way. Focus on what you are able to do and achieve rather than what you are not.
Being healthy is a way to love yourself.

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