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3-Ingredient Strawberry Ice-Cream

 my teacher taught me to use quotation marks to mark a dialogue 3-Ingredient Strawberry Ice-Cream

In grade school, my teacher taught me to use quotation marks to mark a dialogue.
A quotation is something somebody once said somewhere.
But with the introduction of sarcasm in our lives, quotation marks have found a whole new purpose. They’ve become the body language and facial expressions of the written word and they can make any word sarcastic or ironic.

 my teacher taught me to use quotation marks to mark a dialogue 3-Ingredient Strawberry Ice-Cream

We use quotation marks to express sarcasm so much that it has become a thing in American culture to use finger quotes (aka air quotes) when speaking — when you take the first two fingers of your hands and curl them like bunny ears.
It’s like forming in the air quotation marks as to suggest that you are using that word in a special or peculiar way and that what you’re saying should not be taken at face value.
The dude in this article has it down.

 my teacher taught me to use quotation marks to mark a dialogue 3-Ingredient Strawberry Ice-Cream

So why am I using quotation marks in the title of this recipe?
Because ice-cream, let me rephrase that, real ice-cream, is a frozen dessert made from dairy-products (usually heavy cream or milk).
While this is frozen bananas and frozen strawberries blended. There’s no cream, no milk, no nothing besides bananas, strawberries, and a sweetener.
Not real ice cream then.
Though it resembles ice-cream, and tastes like ice-cream, and totally feels like ice-cream.

I sold it to 6-year old niece as strawberry ice-cream the other day and once she tasted it, she inhaled it.
She even said “This is so yummy uncle, the best strawberry ice-cream ever!” (and that's the correct way to use quotation marks!)

 my teacher taught me to use quotation marks to mark a dialogue 3-Ingredient Strawberry Ice-Cream

3-Ingredient Strawberry “Ice-Cream”                                                                      Print this recipe!
Adapted from TheSlowRoastedItalian

Note. As there are no preservatives this “ice-cream” will freeze solid. Thaw for about 10 to 15 to allow to soften before serving.

Serves 6

4 cups strawberries, frozen
4 bananas, sliced and frozen
2 tablespoons mild tasting honey (or other sweetener of your choice)


Place frozen strawberries in a microwave-safe bowl, add honey (or the sweetener of your choice) and toss to combine.
Place bowl in the microwave and microwave on high for 30 seconds. Remove and gently toss with help of a spatula. Microwave for further 30 seconds and toss again.
Microwave for another 30 seconds and toss. At this point the strawberries should have soften slightly and the honey should have dissolved in the juice.
Transfer strawberry mixture to a blender (or food processor), add bananas and blend for about 2 to 3 minutes until nice and creamy.
Serve immediately or transfer to a freezer safe container to allow to firm up.

Nutrition facts

One serving yields 130 calories, no fat, 35 grams of carbs, and 1 gram of protein.

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